Research paper regarding Risk Management in Construction Scheduling. Investigate

Research paper regarding Risk Management in Construction Scheduling. Investigate strategies and tools for incorporating risk management principles into construction schedules to better anticipate and mitigate potential delays. 
reports must have no more than 2500 to 5000 words of text.
submit a Microsoft Office Word file for the submission.
shall be numbered in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
Each page
shall have a header with the name, date, and “Research Paper”
written at the top.
discussion section should flow with a new paragraph when a topic changes.
Be careful with your in-text sources and citations.  A number less
than 10 should be written out: “five” instead of “5”.
It would be best to use quotes only when you cannot paraphrase the author’s
words.  Do not use filler sentences to take up space, get to the
point.  I will take off points if you are filling up space just to
get your page requirements.
paper’s conclusion should be a brief conclusion of your topic and opinion;
do not repeat everything you said in the body of the paper.
numbering starts on the second page and begins with 2.
should not be blue hyperlinks on your reference page!  All text
should be in black.
All papers
must be double-spaced in size 12, Times New Roman font. 
reports must be formally written. You are learning a profession; be
professional. Do not use slang, contractions, or personal pronouns.
Must include abstract, introduction, literature review, discussion, conclusion, and references.