Research Project Paper #3 Final APA Manuscript Psychology 220              ​

Research Project Paper #3
Final APA Manuscript

Psychology 220              ​​​​​​                  N. Barbari

For paper # 3, you are required to do the following:

1.) REVISIONS: Revise graded sections, if necessary.
a. Title page
b. For intro, only revise hypothesis
c. Methods
i. Study 1 (Correlational Study)
ii. Study 2 (Experiment)
d. References

2.) Include ALL sections of an APA manuscript:
a. Title Page
b. Abstract
c. Introduction
d. Methods

i. Study 1 (Correlational Study)
        1. Use past tense, since you already conducted the study.

ii. Study 2 (proposed experiment)
    1. Use future tense, since you have not yet done it, but are instead proposing it.

e. Results
f. Discussion
g. References
h. Appendices (only for Study 1 – Correlational)
      i. Appendix A, Appendix B, etc.
      ii. Surveys, tests, etc.

i. Tables (only for Study 1 – Correlational)
i. Table 1, Table 2, etc.
ii. Correlation matrix
iii. Crosstabs

j. Figures (only for Study 1 – Correlational)

i. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.
ii. Bar graph
iii. Histogram
iv. scatterplot