Research the program’s history from concept to completion or cancellation. From

Research the program’s history from
concept to completion or cancellation. From the systems engineering principles you have learned in ASE
I and ASE II, develop a 20-40 page (double spaced and AIAA report format) report that evaluates the
systems engineering applications (or lack thereof) in that program (the good, the bad, and the ugly). You
should have more than one reference, and aside from picture references, you must have references that are
published material. Avoid open source websites.
Some pertinent topics you should discuss in your paper are listed below. (You are not limited to just
these subjects.)
– The organizations involved and their respective roles
– The customers involved
– Various architectures or design approaches considered in the program
– Risks involved with the program (technical, political, schedule, cost, etc.)
– Role of systems engineering in design, operations, support, and planning (and were there
– Description of program/mission and its overall design
– Key performance parameters
– Operational life cycle
– Was there a mission or program failure involved? If so, what were the causes? Could systems
engineering application have avoided the root cause?
– What were the end-of-life actions?
– Overall results of program/mission and lessons learned.
– Any other topics you deem important.