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Story-Tuning My Life Within a Specific Relationship
The Me I see NOW is gradually being transformed into the Me I want to see in my life. As I continue to seek the Lord, he is helping me to recognize and adjust my shortcomings and downfalls by the power of the Holy Spirit. According to Ortberg 2010, “The only way to become the person God made you to be is to live with the Spirit of God flowing through you like a river of Living Water” (p. 39).
a) spiritual: Before doing anything else in the morning, I pray to God for about forty-five minutes, yet my relationship with my eldest son needs improvement.
b) emotionally/mentally: When faced with challenges anxiety begins to creep up within me, it affects how I think, and I overindulge in eating chocolate cakes or cookies. The Bible gives us clear instructions on how we must confront anxiety and manage stress through prayer. (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV). According to Pettit 2008, “We are all emotional beings, the sooner we can our emotions, it only then can we have a heart that can listen” (p. 130).
c) Physical: I have been working out five days a week, trying to get this overweight body back in shape. (I Corinthians 6: 19, NIV) informs us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, so I must nourish my body with healthy things.
The Me I Want to Be SOON, in sixty days is a person who has the faith as small as a mustard seed and believes that every mountain I encounter will be leveled. As I am called to serve my risen Savior, my Guiding Purpose Statement (GPS) I am committed to becoming a better housewife and mother.
a) A person who is filled with love, empathy, and the compassion of Christ when interacting with family and people. Being able to extend grace to others without being judgmental. When communicating with others remember the “Home Rule, treat others how they need to be treated, not how you need to be treated” (Rosenberg & Silvert, 2021, p. 150).
b) A person who can forgive without any residue of holding grudges. According to Issler, “The journey toward forgiving another involves much more than a simplistic decision to “forgive and forget” (p. 164). God is the one who transforms our hearts to be able to forgive.
c) A person who doesn’t get anxious or afraid to step out on faith, and accomplish the task God has planned, knowing that God is in full control of the outcome. Remove myself out of the way and allow the Lord to step in to accomplish His will in my life.
d) Allow my confidence to rise high in Christ, and let go of insecurity, and self-doubting. “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13, NIV) Remove the things that would distract me from experiencing God’s best life. According to Becker 2016, “Subtracting unneeded stuff multiplies opportunities to pursue things you care about” (p. 12).
The Me I Want to see SOON is a person who is walking in humility, patience, and with the peace of the Lord resting and ruling in my heart. So, when people see me, they encounter a reflection of Jesus Christ.