responds to classmate  Review the posts of your peers. Respond to at least two c

responds to classmate 
Review the posts of your peers. Respond to at least two classmates and address the following questions:
How are your experiences similar to or different than those of your peers?
What advice, resources, or encouragement would you offer to your peers to help them succeed in this course?
Hi Everyone! My name is Anjali. I am 22 and I live in Southern California. I am currently pursing my Bachelor’s in Accounting and Finance. I hope to be finished March 2025. I currently work in retail, but I am pushing super hard to potentially get a job somewhere in accounting or finance. 
I have never used financial documents to make financial decisions before. I have never made enough money to be able to consider big decisions that require such financial documents. When I think of finance, I mainly think of investing and financial regulations. I kind of imagine the Wolf of Wall Street. I am very excited to learn about finance. I’ve never really been interested in my past majors, but as soon as I took an accounting class, I knew that this is what I wanted to learn. I am very excited to expand my knowledge of the accounting and finance worlds. 
Classmate number 2 
Hello everyone! 
My name is Alyssa, I am 21 years old, and I live in Pittsburgh PA! I am currently working towards my business marketing degree (my last year!!!). I am a small business owner specializing in event planning, event rentals, micro-wedding design, etc. I started working with photographers and in other event businesses when I was 14, leading me to where I am today. In the future, I hope to continue to grow my business and ultimately build/own a beautiful wedding venue! 
I have worked with personal and business financial documents including tax returns, financial statements, bank statements, and loan information. I have used such documents when applying for educational loans, purchasing my home, purchasing my vehicle, and within my running my business. I have specifically used business financial statements to further grow my business and understand my financial standing. 
When thinking of finance, terms that come to mind include liabilities, assets, balance sheets, accounts payable/receivable, cash flow, and depreciation. I spent a few semesters at University where I took multiple accounting classes, which is were I learned most accounting terminology that I know. 
Now that I am a fully formed business, learning as much as I can about the financial side of things is very important to me. I think this course can teach me a lot about making financial decisions and how to apply my knowledge about finances to further grow my business. The financial side of things when it comes to my business was scary for me to begin to deal with, so I am excited to further expand my knowledge in this area! 
I am within everyone a great semester and a wonderful summer!