review of literature relevant to the problem/topic of investigation (autism spectrum disorder and the brain).
Introduce the topic including why the topic or issue is important
Provide an overview of the topic.
Provide relevant statistics.
What is the relevance of the topic to different populations across the lifespan?
Include how the issue or problems manifests throughout the lifespan including biological, neurological, and physiological factors that affect human development, functioning, and behavior.
4. Discuss developmental/learning theories that explain the topic or could be used to address the issue (minimum of two theories).
5. What ethical and culturally relevant strategies that promote resilience and optimum development across the lifespan can be used to address the problem by community and clinical mental health counselors/school counselors?
6. A conclusion summarizing the information in your paper.
7. Presentations will also be graded on how graphics, colors, and text are used to engage the audience in the presentation.
7. Include a minimum of 12 scholarly references.
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