Review the Learning Resources on measurement, data collection, and bias-free lan

Review the Learning Resources on measurement, data collection, and bias-free language.
Access and reflect on Part 1 of your research proposal.
Consider what you have learned about research by conceptualizing and planning a research study in this manner. Anticipate what the proposed study’s results might be.
Add content to Part 2 of your Research Proposal document. 
Submit the second part of your research proposal including the following sections in 2 to 3 pages:
Sampling and Sampling Method (1–2 paragraphs)
Data Collection (1 paragraph)
Ethics and Cultural Considerations (1–2 paragraphs)
What ethical and/or cultural issues need to be considered? How will you address those issues in your study?
Discussion (1 paragraph)
If you were to conduct the study, what would you expect the results to show? What would you do if the data didn’t align with your expectations?
Reflection (1 paragraph)
What did you learn about research through this process?
Make sure to include appropriate APA citations and a reference list.