rewrite your introduction and your Monitoring Goals and Strategies section. See

rewrite your introduction and your Monitoring Goals and Strategies section. See my comments in your paper. Revise and resubmit.

1. Your introduction should include a description the prioritized area of need from the Program Financial Review: Resource Analysis Assignment, which was technology including why this area is critical to the operations of the school/district

2. (Monitoring Plan) In this section you were supposed to describe how each of your SMART goals and strategies will be
evaluated, monitored, and revised for fiscal accountability and student success.

Bonus Points
In addition to the written report detailed above, develop a one-page handout or flyer designed to be shared with applicable stakeholders. Your handout must include the following: 1) Introduction: Succinctly present your goals, strategies, and the needed resources in an abridged format. 2) Implementation: Succinctly present an implementation plan with target dates for progress. 3) Monitoring for Accountability: Succinctly present an abbreviation of your monitoring plan from your Program Financial Review: Resource Management Plan Assignment. Explain how it adheres to specific laws, rights, policies, and/or regulations.