Select ONE of the following questions and write a concise essay that directly re

Select ONE of the following questions and write a concise essay that directly responds to the question being asked. Develop a typed, double-spaced, and proofread MINIMUM 5 full pages. MAXIMUM 7 pages(Don’t count Works Cited page or a Title page), 12 font- 1″ margins, and numbered pages). Don’t use a separate title page. Remember to support your opinion with multiple persuasive evidence/examples from class reading assignments. Argue your point with conviction; like a lawyer in a courtroom! Assume the reader of your essay has already taken History 17. Thus, don’t write a short history or summary.
A thesis is a controlled argument. A thesis is a statement that reflects what you have concluded about specific topics based on critical analysis and interpretation of the source materials you have examined. A thesis is NOT a question or announcement about what topic you are examining.
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Use MLA format.  Underline your thesis statement. POST your essay on “Turn It In Link” located on “Modules” link. NO late papers after Thursday May 16th at 6pm will be accepted. 
The time period for the final exam topics is between 1920-2014. 2014 is the end date of your textbook. Assume the reader has already taken History 17. Therefore, don’t write a short history of the topic you select.
1.During the 20th century there have been numerous attempts to reform American society. Select ONE of the following reform eras: Progressive Era, New Deal Era or Great Society era. Discuss reform movement’s specific goals and objectives. What were the main accomplishments, shortcomings and failures? Provide specific examples/government programs and legislation. Do you believe overall the reform era you selected successful in achieving its goals? Why?
2.Defend or challenge the following Statement:  “Between 1945 and 2014 the United States was an imperialist country determined to crush any resistance to its desire to obtain American economic, political, and strategic hegemony worldwide.” Provide multiple specific historical examples to support or challenge this claim by “Radical” historians. Discussion of “Radical” historians can be found in my power point presentation on Vietnam War and the essay by Loren Barritz focusing on why the US “lost” the Vietnam War.
3. Defend or refute the following statement: “By 2014 American women and racial and ethnic minorities have essentially FAILED to achieve their specific goals focusing on empowerment and greater opportunities for themselves.” Defend or refute this statement by examining the goals, methods, and results of THREE social groups between 1950-2012. Provide specific examples.
4. How has organized protest or rebellion been part of U. S. life and politics between 1920-2014? Compare and contrast the efforts of THREE of the following: of labor, individual-rights, peace and environmental activists and provide specific historical examples of their methods of protest and results of their protests.
5.What impact did specific Supreme Court decisions have on American society between 1920-2014? Briefly discuss background on Three to Four specific cases and analyze the impact these cases had on the economy, politics, and social/race relations. Which Supreme Court Case do you believe had the biggest impact on American society between 1920-2014? Your thesis should revolve around the answer to this question. Explain Why a particular case is more important than the other two selected. Material for this question can be found at internet sites that provide a summary and analysis of the cases.