Signature Assignment 2: Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Research Paper You will

Signature Assignment 2: Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Research Paper
You will write a 4-6 page research paper related to the persuasive speech topic using the guidelines provided below. The page count does not include the title page or the references pages. This paper must be written using APA format. A 3-7 research references must be used. The Information Literacy Rubric will be used to assess your paper. 
Research Paper Guidelines:
Step 1
Narrow down a research topic of choice 
Define the issue or problem to be researched and discussed.  
Using library database or search engines as a research tool to gather a minimum of 3-7 appropriate academic sources, a peer-reviewed journal article or book from an academic publisher related to your topic to help you define and discuss the related issue.  
Step 2 
Identify the hypothesis for your research topic and questions that you would like answered.  
Identify and describe the types of research methods and materials that were used in each study to gather the data.  
Summarize the data found within the 5 sources you found to support your hypothesis and answer the questions to be discussed. 
Step 3  
Identify if you have sufficient logical support to draw conclusions and provide examples from the 5 sources you have chosen.  
Identify if the sources are high quality sources that support the topic. 
Step 4  
Draw a conclusion whether your hypothesis and questions were answered.
Cite and reference all your work appropriately using the APA format of each source you chose.
Links are included in citations where appropriate.
Step 5  
Submit your final research paper and it must include the following:   
Title page 
Research methods 
Research materials 
Reference page 
some examples of topics are below. Feel free to use one of these.
 The benefits of workplace diversity in increasing creativity and innovation.
 The importance of implementing sustainable business practices for long-term success.
 The need for stricter regulations on corporate social responsibility to hold business accountable for their
impact on society.
 The advantages of embracing remote work and flexible schedules for employee productivity and work-
live balance.
 The ethical implications of outsourcing and its impact on local economies.
 The benefits of adopting renewable energy resources in businesses to mitigate climate change.
 The value of incorporating artificial intelligence and automation in business processes to improve
efficiency and competitiveness.
 The need for stricter privacy regulations to protect consumers’ personal data in the digital age.
 The advantages of developing a strong company culture to attract and retain top talent.
See the link to the video below regarding Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.