SM9633: Considering the multi-faceted drivers of FDI location choice (e.g. national-level, industry-level and firm-level): International Business and Innovation, Assignment, NUN, Singapore

Assessment Brief

Based on the case of Lego entering the Vietnam market, students are required to address the 5 questions below by (1) applying relevant academic theories and literature; (2) using sufficient self-collected research data to adjust and support the answers.

1. Considering the multi-faceted drivers of FDI location choice (e.g. national-level, industry-level and firm-level), what location-specific advantages could Lego exploit from Vietnam?

2. Utilising relevant analytical tools (e.g. Value chain, VRIN or resource portfolio), critically analyse Lego’s ownership advantages (Os), classifying them into Oa; Ot and Oi.

3. Internalisation advantages refer to the ability of a firm to leverage its ownership advantages abroad (e.g. the transfer of intangible assets, knowledge), how can Lego internalise its ownership advantages (Os identified in Q2) into Vietnam?

4. With reference to national culture frameworks (e.g. Hofstede, GLOBE, High-context vs low-context etc.), critically discuss the impact of cross – culture differences (Danish vs. Vietnam) on Lego’s managerial practices by taking into account both the obstacles and advantages.

5. Drawing upon relevant innovation literature, critically discuss what types of innovation strategies Lego has adopted over the past years. In addition, with which local institutions or firms could Lego collaborate with in Vietnam to enhance its innovation capabilities, and what challenges might arise from these collaborations?

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Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives

This assessment will contribute directly to the following Undergraduate programme goals and objectives.  (Insert an ‘X’ in boxes where applicable, referring to Undergraduate Programme Specification Appendix X for mapping details)

Knowledgeable about the theory and practice of international business and management


Students will be able to:

Demonstrate current knowledge and understanding of the major functional areas of business.



Demonstrate current knowledge and understanding of specialist areas of business.

Demonstrate, through the application of knowledge to business contexts and scenarios, their abilities of analysis and synthesis.

Skilful in the use of personal, professional and managerial techniques and processes


Students will be able to:

Demonstrate the application of the following transferable skills: numeracy, literacy, communication and time management.

Demonstrate the managerial skills of customer needs recognition, problem solving and critical thinking.

Apply managerial and leadership techniques of team building, decision making and leadership.

Employable as graduates


Students will be able to:

In the context of securing graduate employment, demonstrate the skills of self presentation (through CVs, interviews and assessment centre testing).



Demonstrate an active awareness of the graduate employment market.

Demonstrate an active engagement with a range of graduate employers and professional bodies.

Aware of ethical issues impacting on business and professional practice


Students will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility and their impact on organisations and individuals.



Demonstrate a personal response to an ethical or governance business dilemma.

Demonstrate an understanding of different perspectives towards business ethics including shareholder, stakeholder and critical approaches.

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