SOC371: Tutor-Marked Assignment 01-02 SUSS- Science, Technology, and Society

TMA01: STS in Action: Artifacts and Science in the Anthropocene

This tutor‐marked assignment (TMA) is worth 25% of the final mark for SOC371: Science, Technology, and Society.

The word limit for this assignment is 1,200 words.

You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of the TMA, SUSS PI No., Your Name, and Submission Date.


In this TMA01, you are expected to apply your understanding of the following:

The idea of the Anthropocene and the sociotechnical formations that define it
The role of science and technology in the reproduction of such sociotechnical formations
The debate between technological determinism and social construction of technology in contemporary contexts
 The social implications of artifacts through analysing the material and cultural contexts

In this TMA01, you are expected to read two articles about the US-China “chip wars” and technology race.

“How China is Fighting the Chip War with America – Dr Keyu Jin”

“Malaysia: the surprise winner from US-China chip wars – Mercedes Ruehl”

Drawing upon the relevant course materials from Week 1 up to Week 4 about the Anthropocene, the sociotechnical formations of science and technology, and the implications of reading the role of technology between the technological determinist and social construction of technology approaches, sociologically discuss how the concepts from the relevant weeks enable our understanding on the significance of the chip technology and contestations in relation to the intersections of science, technology and society.

Drawing from your discussion of the above points and explicitly using concepts from this module, sociologically explain how and why the chip war has become a central flashpoint between two global superpowers, and explain why Malaysia’s success in this technological race is not as unlikely as analysts have thought to be, focusing on the country’s role in the global chip manufacturing, distribution and development. In your explanation, critically assess ONE way in which we can interpret the “chip war” within the context of the debate between technological determinism and social construction of technology.

Your essay should draw exclusively from examples from the two article sources to illustrate your points.

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TMA02: Biopower and Biotechnology in an Age of Control and Risk 

This tutor‐marked assignment (TMA) is worth 25% of the final mark for SOC371: Science, Technology, and Society.

The word limit for this assignment is 1,500 words.


Read these two articles: “Straits Times: More taking DNA tests to predict diseases; KKH sees fivefold increase in demand”


“DIY DNA kits are a global sensation but experts warn third parties could be accessing this genetic data”


Drawing upon the relevant course materials from the module, but more specifically from Study Units 5 – 7 on the social construction of humans, biotechnology, biopower, risk and control, sociologically examine how these themes apply to our understanding around the increasing popularity of direct-to-consumer genetic test kits for a wide range of applications in our contemporary society.

In your essay, clearly indicate your position and discuss the following:

Two most compelling social concerns or problems around the increase in direct-toconsumer genetic testing and test kits in relation to biotechnology and biopower.
The effects of direct-to-consumer genetic testing from the context of control and risk societies, particularly how it affects the way people understand, access and mitigate control and risk discourses and experiences.
The implications of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in the ways we recognise changes to how people understand, interact with and respond to how they view different constructions of the “human” self.

Based on clear sociological analysis, do you agree/disagree with the suggestions offered in the article that more control is needed on direct-to-consumer genetic testing?

Your essay should touch on discussion points relating to the above concepts, applying your analysis with relevant examples. You may also draw upon other materials relating to the concepts from authoritative sources (i.e. news articles, scholarly work or expert interviews or commentaries).

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