(Solution) NR582NP Week 8: Collaboration Café: Reflection on Learning


NR582NP: Leadership and Role Development for Advanced Nursing Practice-Fife

Preparing the Collaboration Café

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the Collaboration Café. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Include the following sections:

Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail.

Reflect on your learning experience. Which concepts stood out to you and made an impact?  How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice as a master’s prepared nurse?
Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve Program Outcome 5: Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary Nursing).
Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve ONE of the subcompetencies listed below that are related to the AACN Essentials Competency 10.3: Develop Capacity for Leadership:

10.3j Provide leadership to advance the nursing profession
10.3k Influence intentional change guided by leadership principles and theories.
10.3l Evaluate the outcomes of intentional change
10.m Evaluate strategies/methods for peer review
10.3n Participate in the evaluation of other members of the care team
10.3o Demonstrate leadership skills in times of uncertainty and crisis
10.3p Advocate for the promotion of social justice and eradication of structural racism and systematic inequity in nursing and society
10.3q Advocate for the nursing profession in a manner that is consistent, positive, relevant, accurate, and distinctive

*Note: Peer responses should provide options for addressing healthcare problems identified by peers.  

Engagement in Meaningful Dialogue: Engage peers by asking questions, and offering new insights, applications, perspectives, information, or implications for practice:

Respond to at least one peer.
Respond to a second peer post.
Communicate using respectful, collegial language and terminology appropriate to advanced nursing practice.

Professionalism in Communication: Communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
Wednesday Participation Requirement: Provide a substantive response to the Collaboration Café topic (not a response to a peer), by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT of each week.
Total Participation Requirement: Provide at least three substantive posts (one to the initial question or topic and two to student peers) on two different days during the week.

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