SPE107 TMA02 (Tutor-Marked Assignment Two) SUSS : July 2024 Presentation – Language and Communication Needs

Tutor-Marked 02 Assignment Instructions

Question 1

Identify and summarize ONE (1) journal article that reports the findings of a language or communication intervention that addresses the area or aspect of language need you have chosen.

Read Kuder, S. J. (2018). Teaching students with language and communication disabilities (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc., pp 215 to 219, to acquire a broad knowledge of the different language and communication teaching strategies according to their aspect of language.

Identify ONE (1) peer-reviewed journal article that examines the language supports or interventions for this area or aspect of language needs.
Cite and submit a copy (or link) to the journal article with your paper.
Briefly summarize what the article is about (i.e. study scope, purpose, method, and results).
Demonstrate your knowledge of the language promoting intervention strategy by describing the dosage, materials, and steps required to implement the intervention.

You are required to use the chart below to organise the information in the article.

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Question 2

The purpose of question is to guide you through the steps for creating a teaching plan to support the language and communication needs of children in the classroom.

Please read these instructions and gather the information you need before you start writing your assignment.

This question will guide you step-by-step to:

1. Create a teaching plan for core or foundational subjects for children with language and/or communication needs, and

2. Comment on the difficulties a child with a cognitive delay / disorder may experience.

3. Analyse the language demands of curriculum areas to plan curriculum delivery, Page 4 of 6 4. Demonstrate the use of strategies to support the language and communication needs of children in a selected area or aspect of language functioning,

For this assignment, you may choose to focus on any age-group of students (0-18 years old) and MUST acquire a corresponding open-source English Language and Literacy syllabus or curriculum for your chosen age group.

The syllabus or curriculum you select will be from the local Singapore context. Opensource core and foundational subject curriculum documents can be obtained from the

i. Ministry of Education (MOE, Singapore) website: https://www.moe.gov.sg/primary/curriculum/syllabus https://www.moe.gov.sg/secondary/courses/express/electives#subj ects

ii. Nurturing Early Learners (MOE, Singapore) website: chromeextension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.nel.moe.ed u.sg/qql/slot/u143/2022/NEL%20Framework%202022_new.pdf o https://www.nel.moe.edu.sg/

Question 2a

Use appropriate terms and labels to state the age-expected language skills by their area and aspect of language for your selected age group of children. You may use the charts below to help structure your response.

Remember to:

State the age and corresponding grade-level of the students for the focus of this assignment,
Cite and provide access to the language milestones AND curriculum documents you have referenced for this assignment.
Please provide a minimum of 3 points per aspect of language.

Figure 1: Language Milestones Chart by Aspect of Language Development

Question 2b

There are 3 parts to this question

Part 1: From your chosen curriculum document, select an English Language curriculum area and identify a Language Learning Goal for your selected age group of students.

Examples of Language Learning Goals (objectives) are provided below:

a) Language Learning Goal (Objective): Speak with confidence to convey meaning and to communicate with others1 (MOE NEL, 2022, p49).

b) Language Learning Goal (Objective): Listen for enjoyment and information.2 (MOE NEL, 2022, p49).

1 Ministry of Education (Singapore), 2022, Nurturing Early Learners: A curriculum framework for preschool education in Singapore. Downloaded from: https://www.moe.gov.sg/- /media/files/primary/2020-english-languageprimary.pdf?la=en&hash=41B5904DF5A4AF8D015EB4DE09DE69E7205382CC

2 Ministry of Education (Singapore), 2022, Nurturing Early Learners: A curriculum framework for preschool education in Singapore. Downloaded from: https://www.moe.gov.sg/- /media/files/primary/2020-english-languageprimary.pdf la=en&hash=41B5904DF5A4AF8D015EB4DE09DE69E7205382CC

Part 2:

Use the language developmental milestones (identified in Q1a) as a guide to create a Refer to your milestones chart Q1a and derive the Lesson Objective [i.e. the developmentallyappropriate language skills you would like to teach that addresses the learning objective].

Examples of Lesson Objectives are provided below:

a. Lesson Objective 1.2: Understand and follow verbal instructions involving at least two steps (MOE NEL, 2022, p49).

b. Lesson Objective 2.3: Ask and respond appropriately to questions (e.g., “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, “how”) during large and small group discussions and activities (MOE NEL, 2022, p49).

Part 3:

Use the language developmental milestones (identified in Q1a) as a guide to create a developmentally appropriate teaching plan. Your plan should reflect opportunities for language learning, practice, and assessment of the lesson objective and Language learning goal you have selected. You may also consider using the “Hook, Procedure (Instructions and practice), Closure” table from Seminar 4.

Question 2c

Use the “Framework for Analysing the Language Demands of Curriculum Areas” (O’Hare, Pritchard, and Zwier, 2012) to analyse the language demands of the teaching plan you created in Q2b.

Question 2d

A child with a receptive and expressive language delay is facing difficulty participating in this lesson. To increase participation and learning in this activity, comment on 5 ways you will adjust your lesson plan to support the language learning.

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