Step 1
Choose Two Civilizations- Japan & Rome
To begin your analysis, choose two different societies or
civilizations that we have covered in this class, within the time period we
have considered (ca. 5000 BCE–1600 CE).
Step 2
Choose One Theme
Then, choose one of the theme for the analysis:
Step 3
-Choose your sources
-Choose two works considered primary sources from each
-Select at least two works (literature, philosophy,
theology, art, architecture, or music) from each culture or society that
expresses the chosen theme of your analysis, for a total of four primary
-Choose two scholarly secondary sources, one relevant to
each civilization
-Select at least two scholarly secondary sources, such as
scholarly journal articles, scholarly books, or chapters in scholarly books.
Remember that the textbook does not count toward this research requirement.
Step 4
Prepare Your Analysis
In your analysis,
-Compare how one human theme is expressed in two different
societies or civilizations covered in the course.
-Examine at least two works considered primary sources from
each of the chosen societies or civilizations that express the human theme
(four works total).
-Explain how the society or civilization in which it was
created influenced each work.
-Utilize at least two scholarly secondary sources, one for
each of the chosen societies or civilizations, to help you contextualize and
explain these works.
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