Subject: The importance of media, mass and pop culture in the development of art

The importance of media, mass and pop culture in the development of artistic movements from the late 50’s
into the bu’s
1- Select 4 works that in your opinion are associated with the development of media, mass and popular culture during the late 50’s and early 60’s
2- Establish, distinguish and discuss precisely how each work is connected to media, mass and popular culture.
Take precise examples in each of the works you selected to
3- Discussion:
a)- How are these works showing the cultural transformations of the time? How do they include popular culture?
What are the meanings that comes from the inclusion of pop culture and of some themes or images?
b)- Is there a critique of some of the aspects of the culture and society of this time in these works? Which ones?
On the contrary, are any of the works embracing Pop culture medias and mass culture? Discuss.
4- Do not forget an introduction to present the subject of your paper, and a conclusion that sums up the findings of your paper.
– On the title page of your paper write the name of the artists and the ID of each work.