Sustainable communities are the product of strategic decisions,
actions and investments guided by an underlying theory that can be tested through
empirical evidence and adjusted (Bridge between Theory and Practice) to more
accurately reflect reality. Models are
often contextual in nature and must either, be modified for each context or
model builders must strive for generalizability. For the third paper, you are part of a policy
team that advises key community leaders and public officials of the Wichita-Sedgwick
County region on the Preliminary Model for
Building Community Capacity in preparation for the Perfect Storm. The
intent of the policy team is to test the proposed model and to provide insight
about possible actions and investments consistent with a sustainable community.
General Guidelines
Product 1: Executive
Summary (10 points) (2 double spaced pages)
Includes a blended
presentation of the most important evidence from the readings and findings
Presents the implications
of the papers in a clear and readable format for those who have not read
the body of the paper
The information flows and is easy to read
without a background in statistics
Product 2: Issues and
Policy Section (35 points) (5 double spaced pages)
Easy to read from
perspective of the target audience (elected public officials)
Logic and flow are
extremely important
Does not use 1st
person in the discussion
Provides a comprehensive
discussion of the most important subjects from the readings and class
discussion based on the purpose of the research
Discussion points toward
the data
Properly reference all
materials used to write the paper using the reference style discussed in
the instructions for the paper
Limited number of quotes
that are properly referenced
Discusses the most
important concepts as they relate to the measures in the findings
Includes discussion of
readings from previous papers
Includes findings from
previous papers and appropriate references (Your last name and the year)
Reintroduce the “public
interest” (approximately 1 page) (Model component)
Reintroduce neighborhoods/development
(approximately 1 page) (Model component)
Product 3: Findings
and the Overall Model Section (35 points) (5 double spaced pages)
Discussion is related to
the “Issues and Policy Section”
Describes what the
findings mean to preliminary model for building community capacity
Discussion is
comprehensive but does not bore the reader with unimportant details
Flow is important and
discussion should be written concept by concept rather than table by table
Do Not include copies of
the tables in the paper
Indicate where a table
belongs in the body of the text “(Table 1 About Here)”
Calculation Section (5
Provides calculations
Provides a conceptual description of the logic
behind the statistic using the example
Use to Calculate the Correlation Coefficient –Describe conceptually Pearson’s Correlation and calculate the Pearson’s correlation coefficient for cases using the scores on Performance-based trust (TRUSTP, 7 items, unweighted) and the Public Interest Index (COMIDX, 11 items, unweighted) on cases 1-7.
1 26 07
2 21 18
3 40 14
4 20 14
5 27 25
6 30 18
7 31 17
YouTube Statistics and
SPSS: 3rd Paper
Statistics How To: Statistics for the rest of Us (2020)
(Accessed 3-27-2024)
Covariance: How to calculate- Brandon Foltz (Accessed
Correlation based on Covariance (27:05) Brandon Foltz
Covariance (X,Y) . or Cov (X,Y)
Standard Deviation (X)
X Standard Deviation (Y) SxSy
Using SPSS to Produce a Pearson’s Correlation
Coefficient: The Doctorial Journey (14:44)
(Accessed 4-05-2023)
A General Understanding of Correlation
Research by Design
(Accessed 4-05-2023)
willing to pay double for this assignment
I’ve also included paper 1 and 2 to help formulate this paper
Codebook is the data collected