SWE4203 Databases Assignment

PROGRAMME  BSc (Hon) Computing and BEng Software Engineering Foundation YearDATEWeek 15MODULE CODESWE4203MODULE TITLEDatabasesASSESSMENT TYPEAssignment 2WEIGHTING50%WORD COUNT1500

Assessed Learning Outcomes: LO3:  Produce a DML constructs to implement a relational data modelLO4:  Generate DDL constructs to implement a business solution  

Assessment Type: Report

This is your assignment for this module. It is worth 50% of your overall grade for this module. 

This is an INDIVIDUAL piece of work contributing towards the module assessment.  Evidence of plagiarism or collusion will be taken seriously, and University regulations followed. You are advised to be familiar with the University definitions of plagiarism and collusion.

Please ensure to use TurnItIt  to check your work and that your similarity score is not more than 20%

Assessment Brief:

This is the second part of the assessment for this module.  It builds on what you have done in your first assignment as you will need to discuss and explain, with evidence, the process you followed to implement your database design.  You need to show evidence of ability to translate a design into a functional database.  This part is worth 50% of the overall grade for this module.

Assessment Deliverables:

In-class demonstration of the developed database system.  You will be demonstrating your completed solution in-class at the end of the term.Implementation document (see below).  You are required to submit a MS Word document describing the implementation stages of the project.  This should cover the steps you have followed to convert your design (assignment 1) into a fully functional database using MySQL Workbench.  This is worth 50% of your overall grade for this module.

Assignment tasks (Implementation document):

ŸPhysical design and implementation design base relations discuss implementation solutions; implement integrity constraints, where possible; implement primary key, candidate keys, foreign keys, foreign key rules and attribute constraints; design views, triggers, procedures, if appropriate; design queries; design security mechanisms Personal reflection.  You are required to reflect on your project and presentation as well as evaluate the learning you have taken from this module.

Your document should be in a report format containing a table of content, headings and sub-headings as necessary.  You are also required to acknowledge any source of information you have used in your document in the form of in-text citations; and a references list at the end of your document which must include a minimum of 5 sources.

Marking Scheme

Marking CriteriaMark A detailed discussion of the of the solution; including any review and amendments to the initial design10 An appropriate implementation of the design20 Evidence of appropriate SQL skills to build a database and its tables20 Evidence of appropriate testing10 Implementation of Views and Triggers20 Demonstration of the working solution20 Total100 

General Assessment Guidelines for Written AssessmentsLevel HE4

 Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an overall passKnowledge and UnderstandingAnalysis, Creativity and Problem-SolvingSelf-awareness and ReflectionResearch/ ReferencingWritten EnglishPresentation and Structure  Class I
(Exceptional Quality) 85% – 100%Work is directly relevant and expertly addresses the requirements of the brief.   Learning outcomes are met.Demonstrates breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice beyond the threshold expectation for the level.   Demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts in different contexts. Presents an excellent and cohesive appraisal of findings through the critical analysis of information. Draws clear, justified and thoughtful conclusions. Demonstrates creative flair, originality and initiative. Demonstrates a critical understanding of problem-solving approaches and applies strong problem-solving skills.Provides insightful reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.A wide range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.   Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.  Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An exceptionally well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used.The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured.   Where relevant, there is effective placement of, and reference to, figures, tables and images.Class I
(Excellent Quality) 70% – 84%Work is relevant and comprehensively addresses the requirements of the brief.   Learning outcomes are met.Demonstrates an excellent breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.   Demonstrates in-depth understanding of key concepts.Presents an excellent and cohesive discussion of findings through the interpretation and evaluation of information sources. Draws clear, justified and thoughtful conclusions. Demonstrates clearly creativity and initiative. Applies excellent problem-solving skills.Provides excellent reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility.A range of contemporary and relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.   Sources cited accurately in both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. An excellently well written answer with competent, spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A wide range of appropriate vocabulary is used.The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured.   Where relevant, there is effective placement of and reference to, figures, tables and images.Class II/i
(Very Good Quality) 60% – 69%Work is relevant and addresses most of the requirements of the brief well.   Learning outcomes are met.Demonstrates a thorough breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.   Demonstrates very good understanding of key concepts.Presents a perceptive and cohesive discussion of findings through the interpretation and evaluation of information sources. Draws clear and justified conclusions. Demonstrates creativity and initiative. Applies strong problem-solving skills.  Provides justified reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.A range of appropriate reference sources selected and drawn upon.   Sources cited accurately in the main in the text and in the Reference List/ Bibliography.Writing style is clear and appropriate to the requirements of the assessment. A very well written answer with competent spelling, grammar and punctuation. For example, paragraphs are well structured and include linking and signposting. Sentences are complete and different types are used. A range of appropriate vocabulary is used.The presentational style and layout are correct for the type of assignment. Evidence of planning and logically structured in the main. Where relevant, there is effective placement of figures, tables and images. Relevance Learning outcomes must be met for an overall passKnowledge and UnderstandingAnalysis, Creativity and Problem-SolvingSelf-awareness and ReflectionResearch/ ReferencingWritten EnglishPresentation and Structure  Class II/ii
(Good Quality) 50% – 59%Work addresses key requirements of the brief. Some irrelevant content.   Learning outcomes are met.Demonstrates a sound breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.   Demonstrates sound understanding of key concepts.Presents a logical discussion of findings through the interpretation and evaluation of information sources. Draws clear and justified conclusions. Demonstrates some creativity and initiative. Applies sound problem-solving skills.  Provides valid reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.Relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.   Some sources accurately cited in both the body of text and in the Reference List/Bibliography.Writing style is mostly appropriate to the requirements of the assessment  Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent and minor lapses do not pose difficulty for the reader. Paragraphs are structured and include some linking and signposting. Sentences are complete. A range of appropriate vocabulary is used.The presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment. Logically structured in the most part.   Where relevant, effective placement of some figures, tables and images.Class III
(Satisfactory Quality) 40% – 49%Work addresses the requirements of the brief, although superficially in places. Some irrelevant content.   Learning outcomes are met.Demonstrates a sufficient breadth of knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.   Demonstrates a sufficient understanding of key concepts.Presents a valid discussion of findings through the interpretation and evaluation of information sources. Draws justified conclusions. Demonstrates creativity and initiative in places. Applies sufficient problem-solving skills.Provides some reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, as required by the assessment.Some relevant reference sources selected and drawn upon.   Some weaknesses in referencing technique.Writing style is occasionally not appropriate for the assessment. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are generally competent, but may pose minor difficultiesfor the reader.Some paragraphs may lack structure, and there is limited linking and signposting. Some appropriate vocabulary is usedThe presentational style and layout are largely correct for the type of assignment. Adequately structured.   Inclusion of some figures, tables and images but not always relevant and/or clear.Borderline Fail
35% – 39%Work addresses only some of the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.   One or more learning outcomes have not been met.Demonstrates limited knowled
ge and understanding of theory and practice for this level. Demonstrates a lack of understanding of key concepts.Presents a limited discussion of findings through the interpretation of information sources. Draws some irrelevant conclusions. Creativity and initiative are lacking. Problem-solving skills are lacking.  Provides limited reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required.Sources selected are limited and lack relevance.   Poor referencing technique employed. Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question. Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear in places. Paragraphs are poorly structured.For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking. Figures, tables and images included when required but these lack clarity and relevance.Fail <34%Work does not address the requirements of the brief. Irrelevant and superficial content.   One or more learning outcomes have not been met.Demonstrates inadequate knowledge and understanding of theory and practice for this level.   Demonstrates insufficient understanding of key concepts.Presents a limited discussion of findings with little consideration of the quality of information drawn upon.   Draws irrelevant conclusions. Creativity, initiative and problem-solving skills are absent.Provides inadequate reflection and self-awareness in relation to the outcomes of own work and personal responsibility, when required.There is an absence of relevant sources.   Poor referencing technique employed.Writing style is unclear and does not match the requirements of the assessment in question. Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and punctuation makes reading difficult and arguments unclear. Unstructured paragraphs.For the type of assignment the presentational style, layout and/or structure are lacking. Figures, tables and images are absent when required or lack relevance/clarity.

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