SY 4260 – Social Work: Theory and Practice
Second Exam
Answer all THREE questions. Each question carries equal points.
I will evaluate your exam to determine how much you have learned and understood from the text and the discussions. These activities are designed to reinforce concepts from the reading and to develop your critical thinking and application skills. You should demonstrate understanding, comprehension, application and critical analysis of the required study material through your written work. I will look for demonstration of your application and analytical skills. The essays should reveal your knowledge and understanding of concepts, theories, skills, techniques and strategies. This requires organized, accurate, thorough and well documented response. I expect quality answers in your essay questions. The answers should be detailed and complete. Your essays will be evaluated for the content of ideas and arguments – it should have a clear statement of the main thesis, followed by supporting arguments and examples. This should be logically and coherently structured.
Question 1 – Family Counseling
A. Summarize in detail, in your own words the eco-map.
Compare the eco-map and the genogram.
Using yourself, or a friend, or a fellow student, construct an eco-map. Describe any patterns or unusual characteristics you noted when preparing the eco-map.
B. Summarize in detail, in your own words the genogram.
Compare the eco-map and the genogram.
Draw a genogram. Using yourself, or a friend, or a fellow student, construct a genogram. Increase your awareness of family history. What can you conclude from your review of this genogram?
Question 2 – Working with Diverse Groups
A Why is “colorblindness” NOT a part of Culturally competent practice? Discuss issues with colorblindness, as well as what is required on the part of the Social Worker to engage in Cross-Cultural work.
B Describe Feminist Intervention. Discuss how male social workers can engage in Feminist Intervention.
Question 3 – Social Work with Groups
A Summarize the strategies for resolving conflicts in groups. Give examples.
B Summarize the strategies for handling disruptive behavior in groups. Give examples.
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