t must include at least twenty (20), but no more than twenty five (25), recent (2010-2024) data-driven research studies about ONE (1) of the topics listed below.
-The focus of the annotated bibliography will be on data-driven research studies that are primary sources of research findings about the ONE (1) topic you select from the list below.
– These can be qualitative, quantitative or mixed methodology studies.
-Each bibliographic entry must be placed in alphabetical order and follow the APA Publication Guidelines format. Number each entry.
-Each annotation (entry) must include at least the following parts:
-The purpose of the study in one or two sentences,
-Describe the research methodology of the study (participants, data collection procedures/instruments, ways data were organized and analyzed),
-A summary of the most significant results,
-A summary of the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations,
-The most important of both, practical and research implications of the study.
-You must consult the APA Publication Guidelines (6th. or 7th. Editions) to become familiar with the development and format of an annotated bibliography.
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