Tarot Spread: Grow With The Empress

Using a single card as the basis for a Tarot spread is an intriguing way to delve deeper into any situation. Like all readings, this spread encourages introspection to uncover the answers you seek, with the positions and questions asked along the way aligning with the nurturing and abundant energy of The Empress.

The Empress spread offers a comprehensive view of personal and collective growth. It guides you to embrace patience, seek abundance, and focus on nurturing yourself and others. As you navigate each position, this spread helps you understand the foundational support you need, the creative energies at play, and the potential for growth in all areas of life. Ultimately, this spread encourages you to cultivate a nurturing environment that promotes flourishing and abundance, akin to the golden delight that is corn—you sure to get out what you put in.

The Spread Positions

This spread consists of six cards, laid out in the fashion of a corn field, focusing on two rows of growing corn stalks.

The foundational energy of your situation. The core energy or base upon which your current situation is built. This card reveals the underlying support and stability that influence your growth.What creative ideas can you bring to the situation? The innovative and creative approaches you can introduce to enhance and improve the situation. This card encourages thinking outside the box and harnessing your imagination.Where can you apply more self-care or nurturing? The areas where you need to focus on self-care and nurturing, both for yourself and others. This card emphasizes the importance of compassion, love, and support in your journey.How does growth manifest in this situation? How are growth and development taking shape in your current scenario? This card provides insights into the progress being made and the potential for future expansion.Where do I need to impart additional patience? Aspects of the situation that require more patience and understanding. This card encourages you to remain calm and composed as you navigate challenges and await positive outcomes.Where will I most find abundance in this situation? Where you are most likely to experience prosperity and abundance. This card highlights the areas that are rich with opportunities and potential for flourishing.

As with any reading, you can always include additional clarifiers (the next top card of the deck) for any position if you feel you need further insight.