Task 1: Formal report answering the scenario below. “In recent times, the HR department in an organisation you have worked for, working with or that could be searched for through literature or intend to work for has been

Assignment Brief

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a People Management assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the module, you should be able to:

  1. Explore theoretical approaches to the effective management of the employee lifecycle to inform practice in a range of contexts.
  2.  Identify links between people management policies and organisational strategies to inform vertical and horizontal integration.
  3. Analyse the roles of people professionals and line managers in the effective management of people.
  4. Apply the skills needed to be effective as a line manager and/or People Professional.
  5. Reflective Practitioner: Undertake critical analysis and reach reasoned and evidenced decisions, contribute problem-solving skills to find and innovate in solutions.

All learning outcomes must be met to pass the module.

Assignment Task

Task 1: Formal report answering the scenario below.

“In recent times, the HR department in an organisation you have worked for, working with or that could be searched for through literature or intend to work for has been in the news for their poor attempt to add value to the organisation’s success; they have been found wanting of not hiring the right people and providing training to staffs to adapt to changing times.
Societal changes, technology trends and globalisation effects have been identified as broad factors the HR department could not deal with effectively.”

With the above scenario in mind:

Write a formal report to the senior executive highlighting the specific people management issues (around these aforementioned factors) in the workplace and suggest contemporary people management practices the HR department can adopt to change these negative practices and their respective implications.
(1500 words)
(LOs: 1,2 &4)

Task 2:

Write a reflective statement and provide a CPD/PDP plan using an appropriate template to support the individual’s development of people management skills and knowledge that can be adopted by the organisation.
(500 words) (LOs: 3 & 5