Tasks: Part 1. Consider which of the following themes you are most interested in

Part 1. Consider which of the following themes you are most interested
in exploring in the context of th drama “POOF” by Lynn Nottage (1993):
● Love (filial, maternal/paternal, romantic, or platonic)
● Alienation/Otherness
● The American Dream/Nightmare
● The Quest for Identity/Coming of Age
● Conformity/Rebellion
Part 2. Discuss the ways in which what we see on stage or screen
(stage directions, visual choices) and/or what we hear (monologues and
dialogue) connect to that particular theme. Use specific details from the
text to support your point. Critically think about how these details support
the theme and why the writer(s) chose to use the theme in these specific
ways. For example, if your theme is “romantic love,” consider how the
characters’ views of ideal romantic love differ, and what meaning the
playwright intends to convey through the contrast of the characters’
words about love. How does what they say about romantic love compare
with what we see on stage or screen? What does the playwright hope
their audience will believe, learn, or consider about this theme after
viewing the drama? Approach this discussion as preparation for your
essay in this Unit.

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Part 1. Consider which of the following themes you are most interested
in first appeared on Elite Writers.

The post Tasks:
Part 1. Consider which of the following themes you are most interested
in appeared first on Elite Writers.