Terrorist events are some of the more complicated situations for an emergency ma

Terrorist events are some of the more complicated situations for an emergency manager to effectively analyze and prepare for. The THIRA process is designed specifically to help in this regard, by breaking down the risk for effective assessment, and developing target factors to address.
Imagine you are a community’s emergency manager. Conduct a terrorism risk assessment for your community using Appendix A: THIRA template that is found in the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Guide: Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201 (2nd ed.) for the most likely terrorist event in your community.
Pick a community you know and are familiar with. ). Describe how the THIRA process is used to mitigate a potential terrorist event. Ensure you explain how the THIRA process is an integral part of the National Preparedness System.
Download the template in which you will fill in the applicable sections to provide details and information. Note: THIRA assessments are typically two pages, but could be more depending on the terrorist event scenario.