The aim of this assessment is to assess your skills in developing guidelines that foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour and to plan, implement and monitor individual support

Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions
Assessment overview The aim of this assessment is to assess your skills in developing guidelines that foster positive and respectful interactions and behaviour and to plan, implement and monitor individual support strategies.
Assessment event number 3 of 4
Instructions for this assessment This is a skills-based assessment that assesses your ability to demonstrate skills required in the unit.
This assessment is in two parts:
• Part 1: Gather information about two children that need assistance with self-regulation and pro-social skills
• Part 2: Design, implement and reflect on two support plans
And is supported by:
• Assessment checklist
• Assessment feedback
Observation Checklist (Assessment event 4)
Submission instructions On completion of this assessment, you are required to submit it to your Teacher/Assessor for marking. Where possible, submission and upload of all required assessment files should be via the TAFE NSW online learning platform.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result? To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment you must be available at the arranged time to complete all the assessment criteria as outlined in the assessment instructions.
All parts of the task must be performed to a satisfactory level as indicated in the criteria section of the checklist.
All oral questions must be answered correctly to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task; however, Teachers/Assessors may ask you additional questions to confirm your understanding of the task.
If a resit is required to achieve a satisfactory result it will be conducted at an agreed time after a suitable revision period.
What do I need to provide? • TAFE NSW student account username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact your campus or service centre on 131601.
• Computer or other device with word processing software and internet access.
• Writing materials, if required.
What the Teacher/Assessor will provide Access to this assessment and learning resources, including the student workbook and any supporting documents or links.
• Access to a regulated children’s education and care service or school in Australia; and/or simulated environment that reflects workplace conditions Early Learning Centre (long URL:
Due date
Time allowed
Delivery location Refer to training plan
10 hours (indicative only)
Assessment feedback, review or appeals In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.
If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teacher/Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer.
Contact your Head Teacher/Assessor for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus.

Specific task instructions
The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities below will be used by the Teacher/Assessor to determine if the student has satisfactorily completed this assessment event. Use these instructions as a guide to ensure the student demonstrates the required knowledge and skills.
Important Self-awareness warning
Please note there is specific content in this resource that relate to different aspects of diversity and identity. If you find any of the content upsetting or distressing, please talk to your teacher or contact the relevant support service:
• Aboriginal Student Support Services (Email
• Accessibility and disability services (Long URL –
• Personal counselling (Long URL –
• International students (Long URL –
• Multicultural support (Long URL –

Part 1: Gather information about two children with behaviour that requires support
This part of the assessment requires you to gather information about two children that need assistance with self-regulation and pro-social skills.
It has three tasks
Task 1: Gather information about two children that need assistance with self-regulation and pro-social skills.
Task 2: Analyse learning
Task 3 Collaborate with educators and children
The student is required to demonstrate the following skills:
• Record accurate information about two children, including observations and analyse them to identify behaviours that require support.
• Effective communication skills to collaborate with educators and children to identify suitable support strategies.
Your TAFE Assessor will verify with your workplace supervisor that you have implemented the skills, will gain feedback, and confirm that you have met the requirements of this assessment at their nominated work placement service.
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia
Submission requirements:
• Completed ‘About Me’ template or similar for each child: Child 1 and Child 2 (in the template provided or work placement service method)
• Documented observations (provided templates provided or work placement service method)
• templates provided or work placement service method)
• Completed an Analysis of learning for each child (table )
How you will be assessed: You should refer to the list of criteria in the Assessment Checklist and the Observation Checklist to understand what you need to demonstrate. Your TAFE teacher/assessor will observe your interactions and communication, review and assess your written reflections and gain feedback from your workplace supervisor.
Task 1: Observe and analyse information about two children
Step 1: In consultation with your workplace supervisor select two children that need assistance with self-regulation and pro-social skills.
Ensure you have the Permission to observe form (Student Logbook) signed and correctly completed. Follow confidentiality instructions.
Step 2: Gather secondary information from each child’s family and document this information on the About Me template or similar work placement service document (Table provided). You must consult your workplace supervisor regarding the best template to use and seek permission their permission to share with both families.
Step 3: For each child, observe their social interactions on at least three occasions, document using your choice of observation template/s. This could be a series of jottings or an ABC diary, or you could choose to complete a series of jottings and a time sample, for example. Decide which methods would provide you with sufficient information to identify the behaviour, factors that may have impacted the behaviour, possible triggers, support strategies used by educators currently, and the consequences of the behaviour or behaviours. You may use the templates provided in the table or service observation templates.
Your observations must include information about the children’s:
• Social interactions
• Emerging prosocial skills and
• Behaviour that requires support
Step 4: Analyse each observation to identify:
• Possible triggers or consequences of the behaviour requiring support.
• Factors that could have impacted the behaviour/s observed
• How you or another educator were able to support and encourage positive interactions and behaviour during the moments observed.
• In collaboration with your workplace supervisor suggest support strategies you could use next time the behaviour is displayed
Child 1
Table 2- About me template
About Me
Name of child: Josh
Age (in years and months): 2 years old Room: 1-2 room Adventurers room
My sleep routine and comforters:
12 he goes down for a nap, self settle, with dummy in the cot room.
My mealtime routine / my favourite food:
He has his morning tea, fruit break, lunch and afternoon tea with the centre 5 days a week.
My favourite play activities: roaring like a dinosaur and playing with dinosaurs.
Important family traditions or events
His dad from Australia and his mum from Nepal so the family does the Nepalese traditions. They have release gone on a holiday for 3 weeks to go and visit family in Nepal.
My communication skills and home language:
They speak English and Hindu at home, My family: Josh has a sister, mum and daddy that live with him.
His dad and sister come to pick him up in the afternoon once his sister has finish her school.
Source: TAFE NSW has reproduced and contextualised parts of this about me form, as per the terms and conditions of the perpetual license agreement held by TAFE NSW with RTO Advice Group Pty. Ltd. Accessed from (Long URL – Educator Hub – Early Learning Centre (

Table 3- Jotting template
Childs details
Child’s Name:
Child’s age:
Jottings- Entry 1
Date: 10/10/2023
Setting: indoor room
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
We have come from outside to come inside to do an activity with painting our own dinosaur
Jottings- Entry 2
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
Jottings- Entry 3
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
(Identify child’s abilities, strengths, interests and expectations in the context of their cultural values).
How you were able to support and encourage positive interactions and behaviour during the moments observed (If you were not able to describe how you would support in future).
Support strategies observed- (during the observations documented what were the strategies that the educator implemented to support the development of emerging pro-social skills)
Support strategies Discuss possible support strategies to trial with the workplace supervisor and list two below.

Table 4- ABC diary template
ABC Diary – Child 1
Details and Context
Child’s name:
Child’s Age (in years and months):
Entry 1:
Entry 2:
Entry 3:
Table 4 ABC diary template
ABC Diary
Date and Time Antecedent Behaviour Consequences
Table 4 ABC diary template
Discuss the areas of concern, frequency, intensity and the duration of the behaviours observed with the workplace supervisor and record below.
Areas of concern
The frequency of the behaviour
The intensity of the behaviour
The duration of the behaviour
Effectiveness of current educator responses and support strategies
Support strategies
Identify current educator responses and support strategies implemented and discuss possible strategies to trial with the workplace supervisor and list two below.

Table 5- Time sample template
Time sample
Child’s first name: Age: Observer: Date:
Possible behaviours identified:
A = aggressive behaviour P = physical contact D = disturbing others W = withdrawn
N = non-compliance, unable to follow directions E = excitable behaviour DS = distressed O = other (please specify)
S = Sharing L = Listening C = Cooperation with others U = Using words to communicate needs
Table 5 Time sample template
Time- increase by 10min incumbents Time Time Time Time Time Time Time
Table 5 Time sample template
Comments/ analysis
Short description/summary of events that occurred in time sample
Support strategies Identify current educator responses and support strategies used and discuss possible strategies to trial with the workplace supervisor and list two below.
Child 2
Table 6- About me template
About Me
Name of child:
Age (in years and months): Room:
My sleep routine and comforters:
My mealtime routine / my favourite food:
My favourite play activities:
Important family traditions or events
My communication skills and home language: My family:
Source: TAFE NSW has reproduced and contextualised parts of this about me form, as per the terms and conditions of the perpetual license agreement held by TAFE NSW with RTO Advice Group Pty. Ltd. Accessed from (Long URL – Educator Hub – Early Learning Centre (

Table 7- Jotting template
Childs details
Child’s Name:
Child’s age:
Jottings- Entry 1
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
Jottings- Entry 2
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
Jottings- Entry 3
(Focus on; Social interactions and participation – Transitions and routines – circumstance that require support)
(Identify child’s abilities, strengths, interests and expectations in the context of their cultural values).
How you were able to support and encourage positive interactions and behaviour during the moments observed (If you were not able to describe how you would support in future).
Support strategies observed- (during the observations documented what were the strategies that the educator implemented to support the development of emerging pro-social skills)
Support strategies Discuss possible support strategies to trial with the workplace supervisor and list two below.

Table 8- ABC diary template
ABC Diary – Child 2
Details and Context
Child’s name:
Child’s Age (in years and months):
Entry 1:
Entry 2:
Entry 3:
Table 4 ABC diary template
ABC Diary
Date and Time Antecedent Behaviour Consequences

Table 4 ABC diary template
Discuss the areas of concern, frequency, intensity and the duration of the behaviours observed with the workplace supervisor and record below.
Areas of concern
The frequency of the behaviour
The intensity of the behaviour
The duration of the behaviour
Effectiveness of current educator responses and support strategies
Support strategies
Identify current educator responses and support strategies implemented and discuss possible strategies to trial with the workplace supervisor and list two below.

Table 9- Time sample template
Time sample
Child’s first name: Age: Observer: Date:
Possible behaviours identified:
A = aggressive behaviour P = physical contact D = disturbing others W = withdrawn
N = non-compliance, unable to follow directions E = excitable behaviour DS = distressed O = other (please specify)
S = Sharing L = Listening C = Cooperation with others U = Using words to communicate needs
Table 5 Time sample template
Time- increase by 10min incumbents Time Time Time Time Time Time Time
Table 5 Time sample template
Comments/ analysis
Short description/summary of events that occurred in time sample
Support strategies Identify current educator responses and support strategies used and discuss possible strategies to trial with the workplace supervisor and list two below.

Task 2: Analyse learning
Summarise the information gathered in Task 1 using the Analysis of Learning template below.
Table 6 Analysis of Learning Child 1
Analysis of learning – Child 1
2.1 Document links between the observations and Early Years Learning Framework. You must include any relevant part of the framework, including:
a) Learning outcome/s and sub elements
b) Principles:
c) Practices:
2.2 What does the information you have gathered tell you about the child’s strengths and interests? Provide at least one example.
2.3 What does the information you have gathered tell you about the behaviours that need support.
2.4 What does the information you have gathered tell you about the child’s skills and development? Outline the relevant skills and development against the developmental domains. (Cognitive, social, emotional, physical, language)
2.5 Identify and reflect on the variables and influences that may impact on the child’s behaviour and how this may inform your support plan and practices, these may include health concerns, the physical and social environment within and outside the service and cultural needs.
2.6 Suggest a way to support the child’s communication and respectful interactions with the child that are responsive to their needs.
2.7 Access current curriculum information and summarise any information that will assist you design short term objectives and support strategies for each child.
Table 7 Analysis of Learning Child 2
Analysis of learning – Child 2
2.1 Document links between the observations and Early Years Learning Framework. You must include any relevant part of the framework, including:
a) Learning outcome/s and sub elements
b) Principles:
c) Practices:
2.2 What does the information you have gathered tell you about the child’s strengths and interests? Provide at least one example.
2.3 What does the information you have gathered tell you about the behaviour/s that need support.
2.4 What does the information you have gathered tell you about the child’s skills and development? Outline the relevant skills and development against the developmental domains. (Cognitive, social, emotional, physical, language)
2.5 Identify and reflect on the variables and influences that may impact on the child’s behaviour and how this may inform your support plan and practices, these may include health concerns, the environment and cultural needs.
2.6 Suggest a way to support the child’s communication and respectful interactions with the child that are responsive to their needs.
2.7 Access current curriculum information and summarise any information that will assist you design short term objectives and support strategies for each child.
Task 3: Collaborate with educators and children
Collaborate with an educator or workplace supervisor
3.1 You are required to collaborate with at least one experienced educator to gain pre-existing information and their suggestions about the children and behaviours that requires support.
During discussion with the educator identify a long-term objective, two short-term objectives and possible strategies that would support each child to develop their pro-social skills and self-regulation.
a) Document the discussion you had in the table below.
b) Read the service philosophy. behaviour guidance policy (or to a policy related to the behaviour identified) document at least one statement from the philosophy, one from the service policy and describe how you will implement these when supporting the child and implementing the support plan.
Table 8 Collaboration with educator
Collaboration with educators Child 1
a) Summary of the discussion regarding expectations for positive and respectful interactions and behaviour and information
Strategies discussed to promote pro-social skills and self-regulation (must be in respect to the child’s individual needs, cultures and background).
b) Philosophy statement:
Policy name:
Policy Statement
Collaboration with educators Child 2
a) Summary of the discussion regarding expectations for positive and respectful interactions and behaviour and information gained.
Strategies discussed to promote pro-social skills and self-regulation (must be in respect to the child’s individual needs, cultures and background).
b) Philosophy statement:
Policy name:
Policy Statement
Collaboration with children
3.2 Before developing and documenting a support plan for both children, have a discussion with them about the behaviour that requires support and gain their view and suggestion for supporting them (other children can be included). The focus of the discussion will be to develop expectations for positive and respectful interactions and behaviour.
a) Document the discussion and list suggestions for strategies to implement or expectations collated with the children in the template below.
b) Refer to the service behaviour guidance policy (or to a policy related to the behaviour identified) document at least one statement from the policy and describe how you will implement it when supporting the child and implementing the support plan.
Table 9 Collaboration with children
Collaboration with Child 1
a) Summarise the discussion you had with the child and suggested strategies for developing positive and respectful interactions and behaviour.
b) Policy name:
c) Policy Statement:
d) Procedure:
Collaboration with Child 2
a) Summarise the discussion you had with the child and suggested strategies for developing positive and respectful interactions and behaviour.
b) Policy name:
c) Policy Statement:
d) Procedure:
Part 2: Design, implement and evaluate support plans
This part of the assessment requires you to design, implement and reflect on two support plans.
The student is required to demonstrate the following skills:
• Summarise information collected in part 1 and apply it to designing two support plans.
• Identify long and short-term objectives, two support strategies for each child to that would assist each child in meeting the identified short-term objective and resources.
• Collaborate with children and educators to implement the plan.
• Support the children to ,
• Model consistent approaches and support educators to implement the plan effectively and consistently through coaching and mentoring mentor and coach educators.
• Reflect on progress and modify plan when required.
The workplace supervisor must observe each practical skill demonstration. Your TAFE Assessor will gain feedback from your workplace supervisor and verify you have met the requirements of this assessment. You must complete the associated documentation before your final Assessor visit.
Skills must be demonstrated in a regulated children’s education and care service in Australia
Submission requirements:
• Completed individual support plan for Child 1 and Child 2 (table 10 and 11)
How you will be assessed: You should refer to the list of criteria in the Assessment Checklist and the Observation Checklist (Assessment 4) to understand what you need to demonstrate in this section of the assessment.

Using the information gathered in Part 1, design, implement and reflect on a behaviour support plan for Child One and Child Two. Refer to the service behaviour guidance policy as you develop your plan.
Complete each section of a Support Plan template for Child 1 and Child 2.
1. Child’s background and summary of identified strengths and interests. Use the information from part one to document the child’s background, strengths interests. Include the information gained from the family; refer to the completed About Me template.
2. Provide a summary of behaviour that requires support:
a) Objectively describe the behaviour that requires support, patterns of behaviour identified in observations, possible triggers consequences of the behaviour.
b) Identify factors of the physical and social environments and curriculum that impact the child’s behaviour and suggest changes you will implement to support the child and reduce the behaviour requiring support.
3. In consultation with an experienced educator or your workplace supervisor, identify one long term and two short-term objectives, ensure they are consistent with the child’s cultural practices, abilities, age, and developmental stage.
4. List two support strategies:
a) In consultation with the child, educators and if possible, the family, d