The assignment addresses the following learning outcomes of the module: – Identi

The assignment addresses the following learning outcomes of the module:
– Identify and explain major challenges facing a new business
– Review market and analyse viability
– Recognise / apply creative processes for business creation
AND the Assessment criteria are:
It should be informative, engaging and professional i.e. high quality video production, clear, logical structure, voice easily heard
The video must draw on your Business Model Canvas work to date. It should try to cover as many aspects of the BMC as possible but definitely should address:
What is the problem / unmet need being responded to / what is your solution/idea?
Who is experiencing it / who are your most important customers?
What is the scale / size of the opportunity / market: what trends?
What are your main assumptions?
Who did you to speak to / contact to test your assumptions AND what were the “top” two or three findings from the testing AND resulting changes to BMC
How will it make money?
What are the key activities / resources to get the business off the ground?
Competitors? Who are they / how are you different?
Some general relevant financial information e.g. major costs, main sources of income

The post The assignment addresses the following learning outcomes of the module:
– Identi
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