The Bible provides great hope that sin and evil will not persist forever in the

The Bible provides great hope that sin and evil will not persist forever in the world. God will one day fully and finally intervene in bringing about his promises of the new heavens and new earth (see Isaiah 65–66; Revelation 21–22).
Read Grudem chapters 31-34. 
Choose one of the following topics:
The return of Christ
The rapture
The Millennium 
The tribulation
The final judgment
Identify the main passage(s) where the topic is addressed.
Write a 3-page paper, addressing the following:
Describe the major views on your chosen topic.
Explain how the event is related to the final state (the new heavens and the new earth).
In addition to the material in Grudem (chapters 31–34), students should consult at least two academic sources. Sources used in the paper should be cited appropriately and included in a References page at the end of the paper. Students should use APA formatting for this assignment. 
**** I need this done tonight****
I can provide the grudem chapters needed fornthis assignent