The class is cognitive psychology and we use the book Cognitive Psych. by Kathleen M. Galotti
For this assignment, you will critically reflect on how you use cognitive processes in your everyday life to gain a deeper understanding of how cognitive processes shape your daily experiences.
First, select two domains of cognition from the following list: perception*, attention, working memory, long-term memory*, language, OR decision-making (*if selecting perception or long-term memory, your paper must represent a unique contribution that is different from your reflection 1 or reflection 2 papers).
Next, analyze how you utilize these cognitive domains in your everyday life by applying at least 6 course concepts (minimum of 3 per domain) to one specific real-world situation.
Additionally, either suggest ways that you could improve the situation/your performance OR suggest ways that our understanding of cognitive processes could be changed based upon your experience with the situation. Here, apply at least 1 course concept.
Finally, in a few sentences reflect on the challenges you experienced while writing this paper by exploring the limitations of applying concepts derived from experimental psychology to the real world.
“Real-world situation” is purposefully open-ended here — you can write about any single real-world situation that is relevant to you! At first, this may seem freeing, but you may find that this paper becomes challenging as you start to craft it. I strongly suggest starting early and writing an outline first. Make sure that you pick a situation that will allow for the application of the required number of course concepts!
Your paper should be about 2-3 pages long.
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