The Emperor as a Parent

The Emperor has been established as a symbol of authority, structure, stability, and discipline. As a parent, channeling the energy of The Emperor seems obvious; the intention is to create a balanced and secure environment for our children, providing them with a strong foundation and clear guidance. However, this requires an active investment in their education and experience, something that is, unfortunately, often relegated to some sort of electronic device.

The lessons imparted by The Emperor can help us as parents to encourage the growth of compassionate leaders who set and keep boundaries, communicate expectations, and celebrate successes, but also console, support, and educate when there is a loss.

Here are some ways to embody the nature of The Emperor, both as an individual and as a parent:

Establish Structure, Stability, and Security. The Emperor thrives on order and predictability. Establishing routines and setting clear expectations for yourself can provide a sense of stability and purpose. Create a structured environment in your daily life by setting specific goals and developing consistent habits. A side effect of this planning is that you will be a responsible person who can appropriately plan for events, emergencies, or unexpected situations. Responsibility is built on predictably managing life’s challenges.

For example, maintaining a regular morning routine can help you start your day with clarity and focus. This might include activities like exercise, meditation, or planning your day, which can set a positive tone for everything that follows.

Alternatively, financial planning with a budget can help you create financial structure in your life that not only allows you to budget for your daily expenses but begin to create a cushion to allow for unexpected expenses. This also helps to alleviate one of the largest stressors in life: money issues. Again, responsibility is built on predictably managing life’s challenges.Be a Strong Leader. The Emperor symbolizes authority and leadership. Embrace your inner leader by taking charge of your life and making confident decisions. This involves setting clear intentions and following through with your actions. Leadership also means being responsible and accountable for your choices, even when it may be a tough pill to swallow.

In your career or personal projects, leading by example results in an outward display of confidence. Your approach to people and tasks becomes visible. Regarding others with compassion, trust, and a positive mindset will not only help ensure the tasks are completed but also reduce stress levels for everyone by encouraging open communication when support is needed. demonstrate integrity and commitment.

Of course, this is very “best-case scenario.” We often are met with others who are difficult, pessimistic, or not pulling their weight. Being a strong leader also means knowing when and how to correct course. Having to engage in difficult conversations with people when there are problems is neither fun nor something anyone looks up to. However, The Emperor understands diplomacy and can accomplish what needs to be done in a human and compassionate manner. Promote Discipline and Boundaries. Self-discipline involves setting personal goals and maintaining the focus needed to achieve them. It’s about developing the habits and routines that lead to success. For example, committing to a regular exercise program or dedicating time each day to a hobby can help you stay on track and make steady progress toward your objectives. Reading Tarot, for instance, takes daily practice, much like learning to read music; you make progress through routine practice.

In addition to self-discipline, boundaries and rules are necessary to create a structured environment where expectations are clear. They provide a framework within which we can operate effectively, ensuring that our actions are aligned with our goals and values. The notion of boundaries applies to all aspects of our lives: relationships, habits, diet, finances, and even mental health.

It’s also important to remember that discipline is not synonymous with punishment. Rather than creating a sense of fear or restriction, discipline aims to correct our path and help us move forward. By fostering a positive approach to discipline, we can create an environment that encourages growth and development.Support Logical Thinking and Problem-Solving. The Emperor values logic and rational thinking. Enhance your problem-solving skills by approaching challenges with a clear and analytical mind. Break down problems into manageable steps and seek logical solutions.

For instance, when my son was in Kindergarten and first grade, he had a difficult time self-soothing when he was upset. His tantrums would turn into hour-long meltdowns that were exhausting for everyone involved. He would resist breathing exercises (often even suggesting it made things worse). However, I found that asking our son to count backward in 3s from 100 would progressively level him out.

Asking him questions that required him to use the logical side of his brain rather than his fight-or-flight-addled emotional brain began to help extinguish the anxiety and animalistic breakdown he’d fallen into. We continued to use this process until he was able to completely self-soothe.

Questions to Ask Yourself that Reflect The Emperor

Here are a few questions for self-reflection when you draw The Emperor in your daily or situational practice:

In what ways do I establish and maintain structure and stability in my life?How can I lead by example and communicate in a clear, concise manner?When have I taken responsibility for my actions and what was the outcome?In what ways do I help others feel safe and supported?How do I balance discipline with compassion and understanding?What are some examples of when I’ve used logical thinking and problem-solving to help successfully navigate a situation?

Next, we will explore how the traits of The Emperor can be embodied by a child.