The essay should not be about the entire book “Inferno: An Inquiry into the Will

The essay should not be about the entire book “Inferno: An Inquiry into the Willingham Fire” It should be Focus on one aspect of the case you have chosen – this is your topic. It is not expected or desired that you cover the entire case. You may, for example, focus on the relevant physical evidence, or perhaps the credibility of the principal witnesses, including any confessions. An essay or presentation on allegations of corruption and/or incompetence among the relevant investigators and prosecutors may also be viable, as may a discussion of the role of the media in the case you have chosen. If you have any questions about the suitability of a potential subject matter, just run it by me! 
*Give a clear thesis early in your essay or presentation, making an arguable claim about the aspect of the case you have chosen. An arguable claim is one that is interesting and needs argumentative support (i.e., it is not obviously true – people will want to hear your arguments). Your paper will be as interesting as possible when you give the strongest, most arguable thesis you think you can successfully defend. As with your selected topic, if you have any questions about the suitability of a possible thesis, just run it by me!
*Show an awareness of the evidence you have found relating to the aspect of the case you have chosen. If drafting an essay, you may assume your reader is familiar with the basics of the evidence, but not with what to make of it. If giving a presentation, you should plan to spend the time necessary to familiarize your audience with the basics of the relevant evidence.
*In the course of defending your thesis, present and evaluate the relevant arguments of the police, prosecutors, defense, and author of your primary text. Is the evidence sufficient to establish their claims? What possible errors in reasoning can you see in their arguments, or instances of empty rhetoric? 
*Support your own claims about what you believe the evidence shows. Focus on providing warrants for your claims. A warrant is an argumentative description of how the information you are citing supports your claim. Be sure to explicitly compare and contrast your evaluation of the aspect of the case you have chosen with that of the police, prosecutors, defense, and author of your primary text.
*Anticipate objections to the position you have staked out, and respond to them explicitly.