The Evaluation Plan: Include the following sections: 1. Program Evaluation (8 po

The Evaluation Plan: Include the following sections: 1. Program Evaluation (8 points)  Describe when and how you are going to evaluate your specific program (include formative and summative evaluation). Refer to pg. 367 – 373  Include a copy of your program evaluation form (i.e. Post-Session Report form that YOU create) 2. Client Evaluation (17 points)  Choose an existing assessment instrument to measure client outcomes for your specific program. (This instrument does not have to be an RT form of assessment.) This assessment would be given to your clients at the start of the program and then again once the program finishes to show change in their ability/skill/knowledge.  Describe why you chose this instrument and the process that will be followed to utilize during/after your program.  What evidence exists that supports the reliability and validity of this instrument? This must be substantiated with appropriate references.  Include a copy of the assessment instrument. ( If you are unable to find a copy of the actual assessment instrument, then provide a detailed description of what is included)

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