The healthcare administrator is often seen as a pillar of the community. Therefore, it is essential that an administrator be knowledgeable about the infrastructure of the community and healthcare policies, systems, and stakeholders. According to the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) Code of Ethics, the healthcare administrator has a responsibility to the community and society to:
Work to identify and meet the healthcare needs of the community
Work to support access to health care services for all people
Encourage and participate in public dialog on healthcare policy issues and advocate solutions that will improve health status and promote quality healthcare
Apply short- and long-term assessments to management decisions affecting both community and society
Provide prospective patients and others with adequate and accurate information, enabling them to make enlightened decisions regarding services (American College, 2014)
Based on ACHE’s Code of Ethics, healthcare administrators consider the impact of the social determinants of health on their communities as they plan initiatives, programs, and policies for their targeted population.
Assignment instructions:
For this assignment, consider your state. Select a bill at the state level that impacts the healthcare delivery system and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the bill, and how it affects population health.
Paper length: 1 or 2 pages. APA format
LegiScan is a central and uniform interface with the ability to easily track a wide array of legislative information. Paired with one of the country’s most powerful national full bill text legislative search engines.
For state it is New York
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