The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on World Conquest and the Causes of its Emergence in England

Many historians have argued that the Industrial Revolution is the most critical of all the revolutions of Modern Times—indeed, one can argue that without it, there is no such thing as “Modern Times. ICould the various European states have conquered and dominated the world without Industrialization? And, based solely on the assigned readings to date, what was the effect of the Industrial Revolution on the peoples of Asia and Africa (that is, do NOT do any other research or reading other than the articles by Curtin and the rest we’ve dealt with to date, and the primary sources assigned to date!). Discuss. It was this industrial edge, via weapons of war, transport, and organization, that enabled Europe to conquer the globe since the dawn of the modern age in 1492. do you agree with that statement? Why or why not? What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution, and why did it occur first in England? What events had to occur—eg., in Agriculture, Population, Finance, Transport, Power, etc.—before Industrialization could take off and become “revolutionary”? The videos are on YouTube, under History waits for no one! they are the industrial revolution videos. I just can’t add them in the files section. Please make sure to cite the sources from the documents I added!

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