The importance of sociological imagination and ethical reasoning for understanding business, society and government relationships under capitalism 500 words Critique The critical analysis should form the majority of your critiques. It should be a balanced discussion and evaluation (e.g. your comments on the key ideas/arguments pre

The importance of sociological imagination and ethical reasoning for understanding business, society and government relationships under capitalism 500 words


The critical analysis should form the majority of your critiques. It should be a balanced discussion and evaluation (e.g. your comments on the key ideas/arguments presented in the online discussion postings, which can be a positive or negative or a mixed response, and your evaluation of the strengths and weakness of a post or notable features of the online discussion postings).

To be critical requires you to question the information and opinions in a post and present your judgement or evaluation of the post. Good reviews require you to use evidences to support your evaluation (remember to reference). To do it well, you should review all of the online discussion posts in detail and also read relevant materials posted on vUWS and readings in the textbook. You also should draw on the material presented in Module 1, and especially the notions of the sociological imagination and ethical reasoning and the BSP triangle under capitalism so that you can present a fair and informed judgement of the online discussion postings. The Critique should make up more than 50 per cent of the critical review (approximately 400 words)


In your concluding paragraph, clearly restate your thesis or overall evaluation/judgement of the analysed online discussion postings. The conclusion should only take up no more than 10 per cent of the critical review (approximately 60 words)