The individual essay explores a core strategic issue based on a theoretical and

The individual essay explores a core strategic issue based on a theoretical and empirical perspectives on the issue. Recommended strategic issues are provided below for you to choose – Choose ONLY ONE.
1.Choose TWO criteria for assessing the attractiveness of a foreign market. Discuss how these criteria can influence a company’s business level strategy and what companies can do to mitigate them.
2.Discuss the key motives for internationalisation. Illustrate how these motives influence country choice and the localisation vs. adaptation strategic decision?
3.How do you build a sustainable competitive advantage in the global market? Choose 2 Sustainable Development Goals to discuss the challenges in adopting a sustainable strategy in line to these goals in the global market.
4.Which are the key characteristics of a Global Manager? Discuss the main challenges that they face when their company is entering new countries for the first time.
5.Discuss some of the key challenges in assessing the performance of a firm. Which in your own opinion is the most important challenge when assessing firms internationally?
6.Which are the key ethical challenges firms face when internationalising? How can these affect the overall strategic positioning of the company.
FOR Part B ( my role was working on the production team on a business game on edumondo, and I atttached a reflection that I wrote about everything I did so u could use it to help you.)