The internet era has completely transformed how we communicate with one another. For many people, social media is their primary means of communicating with loved ones. Social media also allows you to reconnect with old friends you’ve lost touch with in ways that were previously impossible. Your old friend most likely has a profile on one of the major social networks, and they will be delighted to hear from you


Using social networking sites to connect with friends

The internet era has completely transformed how we communicate with one another. For many people, social media is their primary means of communicating with loved ones. Social media also allows you to reconnect with old friends you’ve lost touch with in ways that were previously impossible. Your old friend most likely has a profile on one of the major social networks, and they will be delighted to hear from you! If you want to rekindle your friendship, there are a few tools you can use to make the process easier. Here are four simple ways to reconnect with old friends online.

Look them up using their email address.
Many of the most popular social networking sites allow you to search for users by email address. So, if you have an old email address for an old friend, simply enter it into the site’s social search engine and you’ll most likely find them quickly! Twitter and Facebook, for example, have features that allow you to conduct an email search. Twitter actually allows you to upload your address book so you can quickly and easily find friends. Facebook has a similar feature, but if you don’t want to upload your entire address book, you can simply enter a friend’s email address into their search box. Instantly, matching results appear!

Use people search to find them.
Have you used a people search website before? People search engines, such as, make it simple to reconnect with old friends. Simply create an account, type their name into the search field, and contact them directly from the site or through their social media profiles. They’re likely to be delighted that you’ve contacted them again! People search is an excellent way to reconnect with old friends and family members. You might be surprised to learn that they live nearby!