The lab only focused only on  the variable temperature  Here is information rega

The lab only focused only on  the variable temperature 
Here is information regarding your enzyme report.  You need to make sure that you have a data table(s) as well as a graph(s).  You should discuss note-worthy trends and you should explain why you believe that they occurred.  
You will need to turn in one formal report per person. You will work on your own lab; it should not be the same as your classmates’.  
View Rubric
Formal Lab Report Rubric 
Formal Lab Report Rubric (1) (1)
Title with keywords (dependent and independent variables listed) *Not in question form
Introduction: background with references listed, hypothesis with reasoning (testable and falsifiable). Is this background research relevant to the lab?
Materials and Methods were described in enough detail that someone else could replicate the experiment.
-Past tense must be written in the past tense
Results: The table was neatly composed, with units labeled and controls included for comparison. Complete sentences and major trends were pointed out. The graph was completed with a computer, title, labeled axis, etc.
Conclusions: The validity of the hypothesis is discussed. Include explanations of possible errors. Point out reasons for why the reaction stopped in experiments. Discuss why. Results were explained if they do not match your hypothesis. Sources of possible error discussed.
References: At least two references in APA or MLA format