The product development team has developed “A” number of prototypes Gamma       

The product development team has developed “A” number of prototypes Gamma             products. The team would like to select a portfolio of size “B” (where A > B). Design a study or set of 
studies to help the team select a portfolio that has the potential to do well in the intended market.
For this study, please provide the following: 
Make assumptions as required (e.g. about the marketplace, the population, the #     and type of products, etc.) and clearly document them.
Provide an experimental design – method, audience, sample sizes, trial schematic,     etc. 
Provide a high level statistical analysis plan that outlines the types of data you would collect and the analytics would you run for each data type 
Provide an example of the output of your proposed study and a recommendation based on the outcome 
If you design more than one study, how will information flow from one study to inform the next?
You may present the study in the manner of your choosing (e.g. Word, PowerPoint)