The Psych Research Project Writing an Abstract Despite  the  fact  that  an  ab

The Psych Research Project
Writing an Abstract
Despite  the  fact  that  an  abstract is  quite  brief, it must  do  almost  as much  work  as  a multi-page  research  paper.  An abstract summarizes the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes:
1)  the overall purpose of the study and the essential question you investigated;
2)  the basic design of your  research and resources used; 
3)  major  findings  or  trends  found  as  a  result  of  your  analysis;  and, 
4)  a  brief  summary  of  your  interpretations and conclusions.
The majority of abstracts are informative. A good informative abstract acts as a surrogate for the work itself.  That is, the researcher presents and explains the main arguments and the important results and evidence of  the  collected  research.  An  informative  abstract  includes  the  purpose,  research  methods,  and  scope,  in  addition to the results, conclusions, and interpretations of the research by the author.
➜  Here are some things that you need to include in your 350-500 word Research Project Abstract: 
• Introduction and Motivation: 
Why should we care about the topic and the results of your research?  
Provide context and background, setting up your Essential Question. 
• Addressing the Essential Question: 
What is the essential question are you trying to answer?  
• The Research Approach: 
How did you go about solving or making progress in researching the essential question?  
What are the various sources used in your research? 
• The Content – Results and Data: 
Answer your Essential Question.  Provide a generalized summary of your data and  
the results of your research in response to your Essential Question. 
• Conclusions: 
What are the implications of your research? What is significant about your research?   
Does your research lead to additional questions?   
Use an active voice when possible.  Write your abstract using concise, but complete, sentences. Get to the  point quickly and always use the past tense, as you are reporting on research that has been completed. 
➜  The abstract SHOULD NOT contain: 
• Lengthy background information. 
• Abbreviations, jargon, or terms that may be confusing to the reader. 
• Any sort of images, illustrations, figures, or tables (or references to them).
those are the directions for the abstract assignment 
this is my essential research question… 
“What role do early childhood experiences play in the development of personality traits, and how do these traits evolve over a person’s lifetime?”
basically the assignment is to research this essential question and write an abstract about it. following the directions above.