The purpose of the TECMASK advertising campaign is to launch a new product line of reusable face masks: Advertising, Promotions and Mobile Marketing Assignment, SUSS


The purpose of the TECMASK advertising campaign is to launch a new product line of reusable face masks aimed at the adult male market. TECMASK would like to maintain a price point in line with their current market offerings at $19.95 each.


OPPORTUNITY  |  Ultimate impact?

TECMASK is a relatively new player on the reusable face mask
TECMASK would like to increase brand awareness of our adult male
Ultimately TECMASK would like to be ‘top of mind’ for all adult males in Australia and secure market share from our competitors.
TECMASK would like to be known as the best quality and value for money reusable face mask provider in the market and later expand to be the dominant player in the Southern Hemisphere.

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