The purpose of this assessment is to develop a deep understanding of a common disease and to explore the evidence-based literature about this disease and its management. There are two

Assignment Task

The purpose of this assessment is to develop a deep understanding of a common disease and to explore the evidence-based literature about this disease and its management.
There are two parts to this assessment which has both individual and group components.
The rubric on page 9 outlines the marking criteria for part A of this assessment.
You must fulfil all the lower criteria in the rubric before being awarded a higher grade. Also, take care to read over the elements considered to be a ‘fail’ and make necessary adjustments before submitting the assessment.
At the commencement of the semester, you will form a small group (approx. 5 – 6) and be allocated a topic area. Each student will then choose an element of that topic area for the individual essay. The tutor will oversee this process.
A topic for the report will be given to each group from the following list:
Multiple sclerosis
iii. Diagnostics

  Explain which diagnostic procedures and tests are used to assist in diagnosing the person with the disease.  Explain why these procedures and tests were chosen, referring to reliable evidence-based literature.  Identify what results would be seen to support the diagnosis.  Explain what the person’s expected healthcare journey would be, referring in your response to morbidity, mortality, and quality of life outcomes.