The purpose of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate ability to summ

The purpose of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate ability to summarize, critique, and analyze an article on nursing theory.  The student is to identify 2-3 points made in the article and provide a discussion.
This paper must be developed using the following criteria and must be in APA format, narrative form, using titles and headings.  Please follow the general guidelines for written papers that were included in your syllabus and specific guidelines for this paper in your syllabus. All papers submitted MUST HAVE a title page and reference list in APA format.  The title page, reference list, and appendices are NOT included in the total number of pages. Please edit your work. Paper is to be written in narrative format and approximately 3 pages.
For Reference:
Possible Points
Your Points
Introduction of issue(s)
Discussion: Summary & Opinions/Ideas/Critique
Citations and References
APA Format (title page, pagination, headings, form)
Logical flow/readability
Proper format (minus 10% if not in correct format)
The purpose of this assignment is for the student to demonstrate ability to summarize, critique, and analyze an article on nursing theory.
This paper must be developed using the following criteria and must be in APA format (title page, level one headings, citations and, reference page). It must be in narrative format and may be in first person. Note that when referring to what McCrae wrote it should be in past tense.  Please follow the general guidelines for written papers that were included in your syllabus and specific guidelines for this paper in your syllabus.   The title page, reference list, and any appendices are NOT included in the total number of pages. Please proof read and edit your work. This paper must narrative format and approximately 3 pages.
Possible Points
Your Points
Introduction of issue(s): (This section should not have a level heading, but introduce the content to follow in the paper, including your main ideas)
Discussion: Brief summary & Opinions/Ideas/Critique (level headings)
Conclusion (This section should have a level 1 heading)