The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the way historical leaders and/or events are portrayed in popular culture and movies as compared with discussions in this class and via your research. (The criminal justice administration)
Remember, I have seen the movie so I am not interested in a narrative describing the movie. Depth is favored over breath, but you might want to start with a quick overview. Your paper should include your opinion on how the film might inform/misinform on these individuals/ circumstances in three specific areas. You may use a combination of areas in your paper but not more than three specific areas of review.
This is a simple task provided you put some energy and thought into your paper. Go beyond the confines of the movie and judge the movie against classroom information and other historical sources on your three chosen themes.
You will need to have at least 6 evidence-based citations from research and peer-reviewed articles to support your conclusions. CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and internet articles are not valid nor acceptable for citations, nor are encyclopedia-type references. You can use them but they do not count as one of the 6 viable citations.
Must indicate how the citation is used in the paper.
Must have three themes from the movie that could be related to the criminal justice administration
The professor want a simple introduction, the next paragraph starting with the first theme and so on, and a conclusion
For the themes, I got permission to write about leadership and justice (equality), so I need one more theme
Here is one reference I would like to be included in the paper below since I got validation to use this from professor please, 1 of 6
also include example scenes from movie that relates to theme and how it relates to what was talked about in class or the criminal justice administration
Vito, A. G., & Vito, G. F. (2015). What police leaders learned from “Lincoln on leadership”. Policing, 38(4), 775-787.
This is my first sentence for the first paragraph right below, try to go off from this
The movie Lincoln portrays and informs about topics within the Justice and Public Safety Administration by focusing on President Lincoln’s actions and the result of his actions during two ongoing events: the ending of the Civil War and the passing of the Thirteenth Amendment.
The file I provided is an example of what I have written so far; my professor does not care about big words, and that’s exactly the format he wants, no title page/cover, only an introduction, after the intro the next paragraph immediately talks about the first theme then the rest of the other themes, and conclusion; If possible, can add to what I have written or improve it, please
Another file I am providing is some of the notes taken and talked about in class. I am including it to give an idea of what we talked about in class and how it can connect with the movie Lincoln
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