The purpose of this final is to demonstrate your mastery of the course materials and the ability to apply your knowledge to addressing hate groups and possible domestic terrorism threats. Due Date Due end of Week 11: Key points in your bill for Instructor input (submit below) Due end of Week 13: Near final draft of the bill for peer review (submit via the Final Assignment Draft discussion forum) Due end of Week 15: Final Domestic Terrorism/Hate Group Bill Value This Assessment is worth 300 points. Introduction The Final will consist of you drafting a federal Domestic Terrorism/Hate Group Bill. The purpose of this final is to demonstrate your mastery of the course materials and the ability to apply your knowledge to addressing hate groups and possible domestic terrorism threats. Within your bill, think about the balancing act in pushing out timely and relevant domestic terrorism “threat-related” information versus preserving First Amendment activities, privacy and civil liberties. Think about the elements of the federal violation and possible penalties. Directions In drafting a bill, please think about these key elements of the bill: Titles (Long and Short) Preamble Commencement and Extent Legislative History Enacting provisions Statements of Intents Definitions Substantive Provisions (this will be the bulk of your work) Transitional clauses Penalties/Punishment Effective date provisions Miscellaneous provisions The bill should approximately 10 pages long. The legislative history (included within the 10 pages) should reflect your reasoning and any historical background on why the bill is necessary in the current political and societal climate). Submit a draft of your Bill to me by Week 11 so I may provide constructive feedback. By Week 13, please submit your draft in the Final Assignment Draft discussion forum for review by your peers. Respond to at least one classmate’s post to provide feedback on their near-final Bill. You must choose someone who has not yet received feedback to ensure everyone receives at least one response. Submit your final charter document to the Final Assignment below.
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