The questions for this practice exercise are designed to help you as you develop

The questions for this practice exercise are designed to help you as you develop ideas for your final essay:
1. The assignment guidelines for the Research Essay frame it in terms of the following: “most people say x is bad, but it is good” or “most people say x is good, but it is bad.” What is your topic going to be? Frame it in these terms and tell us how you are going to refine it to make the topic more specific. What is the main “they say/I say” of your project going to be?
2. Use FSU Library resources to locate potential sources for the project. Use the following resources to find four sources; these will lead you to peer-reviewed eBooks and scholarly articles that serve as legitimate sources for academic inquiry. List a bibliographic citation for each and provide a brief summary (in your own words) of the main idea of each source and how you plan to use it in the project.
See here for info on specific FSU Library resources to use:
First, go to the FSU library homepage (
Then, click on “Research and Collections.”
On this page, we are using “eBooks” for books and “Databases A-Z” for scholarly articles.
Under eBooks, use the following to search for sources:
Ebook Central Academic and Public Library Complete
Ebsco eBooks Academic Collection
ProQuest eBook Central
Under Databases A-Z, use the following to search for sources:
Academic Search Complete
Google Scholar
Of your four sources, make sure that you have examples from both main categories (eBooks and scholarly articles).
See here for information on formatting citations in MLA style: