The sources and files needed for essay are attached. Cite your sources using MLA

The sources and files needed for essay are attached. Cite your sources using MLA in-text citations and include a bibliography at the end of the document. (2 points).
Proofread your answer to ensure it is well-written and within the word limit (250-500 words) per question. (2 points).
Part one : You are required to answer both questions. 
Part two : Answer the two questions. 
For both parts, assigned texts from your syllabus have been listed that you must use for your references and quotes. To earn full credit, it is important to thoroughly read and critically engage with the assigned texts for each question. You must provide one quote per response, consisting of two to three sentences. The quote will not count towards the word limit.
QUESTION 1: Provide a brief history of the concept of race and identify three key stages as outlined in the text. Choose one of these stages and analyze factors that influenced it and its impact on the concept of race. By tracing the history of the idea of race, what are the authors trying to accomplish? 
Assigned Text
Joseph L. Graves Jr. and Alan H. Goodman, “How Did Race Become Biological?” from Racism, Not Race: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, (New York: Columbia University Press, 2022) 21-41. 
QUESTION 2: Use Fitzgerald’s text to define institutional racism. Discuss the example used in Alderman’s text and the documentary, “The House that We Live In,” to illustrate how institutional racism continues to create racial hierarchy for Black communities. 
Assigned Texts 
Kathleen J. Fitzgerald, “Racial identities, Ideologies, and Institutions” in Recognizing Race and Ethnicity: Power, Privilege, and Inequality (New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2020), 34-39.
Larry Adelman, “Racial Preferences for Whites: The Houses That Racism Built,” PBS, June 29, 2003,
James Oliver Horton, C. C. H Pounder, Larry Adelman, Llewellyn Smith, Joseph L Graves, Alan H Goodman, Melvin L Oliver, et al. Race: The Power of an Illusion. Episode Three, The House We Live In. San Francisco, Calif: California Newsreel, 2003
QUESTION 3: Define “The Model Minority” stereotype using Yuko Kawai’s text. Explain why the author argues that this stereotype has a dialectical relationship with the stereotype of “Yellow Peril.” Provide a brief history of the model minority stereotype. Use an example from the text or your own experiences, observations, newspaper articles, or other sources to illustrate its impact on Asian American communities.
Assigned Text
Yuko Kawai, “Stereotyping Asian Americans:  The Dialectic of the Model Minority and the Yellow Peril.” The Howard Journal of Communications 16, no. 2 (2005): 109–130
QUESTION 4: What is Critical Environmental Justice? Identify the four pillars of Critical Environmental Justice Studies pillars and explain the significance of each pillar. 
Assigned Text 
David Pellow, What Is Critical Environmental Justice? (Cambridge, UK ; Polity Press, 2018), 1-33