The US Healthcare system Is Terminally Broken
The CEO of your healthcare
organization has heard about this really powerful debate, but doesn’t have time
to watch it herself. In preparation for next month’s leadership meeting, she
wants you to watch it and provide a summary of the main points raised by each
side, then tell her which side you think was more convincing in their argument.
As you reflect on the debate, were there additional points you might have
raised if you had participated? How effective was the debate format?
Watch the debate here – link above
Provide a summary of the main
points raised by each side.
– Which
side you think had the more convincing argument and why?
State your position taken on the motion “The US Health Care System is
Terminally Broken” and provide critical feedback along with additional points
would you have raised in the debate.
review should be 2-3 pages (12-font, single spaced). Provide at least 4