The Writing Assignments


The Writing Assignments
Students will submit a series of four draft papers throughout the course. Each assignment will receive substantial feedback from the instructor in the form of annotation and notes. The student will revise and resubmit each returned paper with the necessary edits and improvements. The final Portfolio Paper Assignment includes all four previous papers edited for a final draft along with one new section (part 5) to be submitted as one final paper. The details of the Writing Assignment are listed below.
Writing Assignment Two
Using your textbook and at least two other scholarly peer-reviewed references, describe the pros and cons of the involvement and impact of labor unions on management and labor relations in the U.S. Include at least three major pros and three major cons based upon your reading and research. The submission should include a title page, references list, and a minimum of at least 600 words in the body of the text.
The submission should be supported by at least three scholarly peer-reviewed references including the textbook and all three must be cited using in-text parenthetical citations.
Please follow these best practices when writing your submission.
All evidence, facts, and claims should be cited using parenthetical citations.Please avoid the overuse of quotes or the use of long quotes, preferring instead to paraphrase fully while still using citations.Please avoid the use of first person unless the assignment is reflective, this one is not.Please avoid the use of colloquial language and phrases in business writing.Direct quotes require page number or paragraph number citations.All references from the references list must be cited in the body of the text at least once.Please edit thoroughly before submission and the use of software applications such as MS Word grammar and spell check or the free version of Grammarly are recommended before submission.All submissions will be reviewed using the Turn It In plagiarism checker automatically. As Turn It In ignores references and citations, the resulting Turn It In match % must be below 20%. Students are allowed multiple submissions before the due date in order to achieve this result. Failure to achieve a Turn It In match percentage below 20% may result in a point deduction by the instructor up to and including a grade of zero on the assignment.
Late assignments will not be allowed except in extraordinary circumstances and with the prior approval of the instructor.
RubricWriting Assignment 40 ptWriting Assignment 40 ptCriteria Ratings PtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization: Overall10 ptsWell-planned and well thought out & all questions answered in proper paragraph form8 ptsGood overall organization. All questions answered.6 ptsThere is a sense of organization. All questions are answered, although some of the questions responses are weak or missing portions.0 ptsNo sense of organization. No questions answered.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent10 ptsMeets the minimum length, ideas are detailed, well-developed, supported with specific evidence & facts, as well as examples and specific detail8 ptsWell-presented and argued. Ideas are detailed, developed and supported with mostly specific evidence and detail6 ptsContent is sound and solid; ideas are present but not particularly developed or supported; some evidence, but usually of a generalized nature0 ptsContent is not sound.10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat, Grammar & Mechanics10 ptsExcellent formatting, grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation8 ptsA few errors in formatting, grammar, spelling, syntax and punctuation, but not many6 ptsShows a pattern of errors in formatting, spelling, grammar, syntax and/or punctuation that could also be a sign of lack of proof-reading0 ptsContinuous errors10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch/use of references10 ptsMeets the minimum number of references required and they are exceptionally well-integrated and support claims argued in the question responses very effectively8 ptsReferences are well integrated and support the response’s claims. There may be occasional errors, but the references are included.6 ptsReferences support some claims made in the response, but might not be integrated well within the responses argument0 ptsThe response does not present adequate use of the source and the source is not well integrated.10 ptsTotal Points: 40

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