“Theories of Motivation” in Chapter 5. Identify a theory that stands out or seems to “ring true” to you. Briefly explain: A) why you think this particular theory stood out to you; B) What aspects of it seem most interesting?

EXAM FOR BUAD 202 WA. Total of 250 points available to be earned via the Exam
C. Kent, Associate Professor Emerita of Business
Administration, 2023
SHORT DISCUSSION PROMPTS: Please respond to questions/prompts in the following section. There are FIVE (5) separate required discussions; you will earn (and be awarded) a maximum of 50 points each for your respective responses. The last (or 5th) required response-involves a “CASE DISCUSSION” prompt, which appears near the end of this DOCUMENT.

Please review the various “Theories of Motivation” in Chapter 5. Identify a theory that stands out or seems to “ring true” to you. Briefly explain: A) why you think this particular theory stood out to you; B) What aspects of it seem most interesting? And, C) Is there a personal application of this theory you can offer? (Note: If there is information that you pull directly from your text, please use quotation marks or indent and italicize the selected information-and cite page numbers or section numbers directly after the quoted material.)
50 pts max for your full response: (CREATE A NEW EXAM DOC AND RENAME, then INSERT your response/s using a different font or color)Chapter 8 of our FlatWorld text-please briefly revisit this important material. Then, pay special attention to the following displays: In the 3.0 version of the text, Ch 8, Table 8.4 Guide for When to Use Written versus Verbal Communication, and Figure 8.8 Organizational communication travels in many different directions. In the 4.0 version of the text, these are Table 8.3 Guide for When to Use Written versus Verbal Communication, and Figure 8.4 Directions of Communication.
Please consider your work experience thus far, and you may also project into the future regarding work/career endeavors. For this response, briefly describe some “communication” takeaways from this course for future use and reference. You may base these on the chapter material including the two “displays” from the chapter, as mentioned above. Feel free to mention anything else