There are five questions which have been taken from various chapters of the textbook. Each part of each question should be at least one page in length and in size 12 font Times New Roman, double-spaced. Please complete in Microsoft Word format. All papers must be formatted in the APA citation
1. Will abolishing or limiting the insanity defense have an impact on serious crime? Critically evaluate this question with reference to empirical studies and scholarly literature.
2. Provide a broad discussion on laws meant to control gun-related crime and the issues of various state laws. Use empirical studies and scholarly literature.
3. Differentiate between crime control policies presented in previous chapters and those that seek to gain compliance with the law.
4. The most inflammatory controversies involve police use of deadly force and excessive physical force. The cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner are examples. Police departments have utilized various strategies to reduce racial discrimination. Some police departments across the country are introducing police body cameras – discuss this policy initiative relating to the advantages and disadvantages.
5. Describe and evaluate the policy recommendations provided by Joan Petersilia’s research on prisoner reentry.
Please if you can use the textbook Walker , S(2016). Sense and Nonsense about Crime , Drugs, and communties : A policy guide. Cengage. Binding:Paperback
Edition :008
Publisher : Cengage
ISBN: 9781285459028
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